CTGP has very strong cheat detection code called Ignorance is Bliss, which has been successful in making online and time trial gameplay fair. There are leaderboards for regular courses and thousands of custom tracks, which can be sorted by shortcut, glitch, no shortcut, no mushroom, certain vehicle, certain controller, and 200cc categories, as well as the usual separation by region. CTGP-R also allows the player to save time trials records to an online database, that has been very successful in creating separate leaderboard categories for courses although some people have found ways around this. 200cc and item rain have been recent innovations but these are only available so far in offline or private room play. In online game play, countdown mode has replaced battle mode. With the inclusion of Wiimmfi, these courses can be played in online races with other players. These custom tracks include original creations to recreations of courses from other Mario Karts and other games. The current CTGP-R 1.03 mod primarily features a custom track distribution of 218 tracks (216 normal tracks and two secret tracks).